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Clothespin Toy Soldier Ornament Tutorial

I was looking for a small gift to give a large number of people. After quite a bit of shopping and thinking I decided to “make” something. I had one ornament that was an angel made out of clothespins. That was the inspiration for this toy solider! It was easy and fun to make, once I got started I kept adding details, but you could make it very simple and I think it would be a fun project for children. Materials needed: Clip clothespins (one for each ornament, I found these at the Dollar Store) Craft glue (white, I did use a glue gun to attach the ribbon to hang it with) Pompoms, a small bag of assorted colors or black, seems to run about 99 cents (again Dollar Store) Acrylic paint (red, black and blue, and gold) and small brushes, I experimented with markers and that worked well also, (this might be a better option for children?) Toothpicks Popsicle sticks Sharpie markers (in black and red) Sequins (I also picked up a small package of these at the Dollar Store 99 cents Very

Etsy Wish List

Ice storm here last night, and I’m sitting here with my coffee, and list of things to get done. Before I start, I’ll share some great Etsy items that I found, enjoy! This is so cute! A knitted cocoon for the baby from 4aSong’sShop This knitted tea cozy full of mice is adorable from PeriwinkleParksShop From BitsyBlossoms a knitted head warmer , I especially like the two buttons for size adjustment.   These personalized yarn labels are great, from MountainStreetArts And for those  needles you get for Christmas try this knitting needle organizer for interchangeable needles from SarahKincheloe’sshop Enjoy your shopping!

Blizzard, spinning and knitting

The snow is blowing and the schools are already closing. I have been spinning, almost totally done now with my dark brown BFL, and I have been eyeing the stash to see what I want to spin next. I’m fully committed to my sweater now, Iced from Knitty . I’m knitting it with Colinette Point Five, I have located a number of people on Ravelry that have some to sell in case I run out. It is a top down sweater, knitted in the round, (well technically from side to side), I’ve just gotten to below the arms. Had to go outside and play with the dogs in the snow, Penny rolled and had fun. Syd is the speed demon! I couldn’t get a clear photo. Keep warm this week!

Iris and Morning Glories and spun wool too!

  This sketch is the beginnings of my next painting. Next I add shadows. If you build each color onto the next, (instead of mixing them on your palate) the result will be a translucent painting with a glow about it. Well that is what I’m attempting anyway, thanks to Theresa at Blueberries, Art and Life , my watercolor mentor! 3 skeins of wool spun, and I still have more fiber to spin! I have high hopes of having enough for a sweater. Cold here and I’m ready to get the sweaters out! I also have a simple Iris and bamboo painting. In the Sumi-e style. Done in marker. I have to get back to my paints soon. In addition to some morning glories, done in marker and crayons. Go create!

Crayola inspired

A quick sketch of an Amaryllis that I have. I love these flowers, they give us a bit of color when the days are cold and grey. I did a fast sketch with some Crayola paint brush pens , which I bought on an impulse, thinking they would be good to pack and take (and the price was right). With basic primary colors they are fun, but don’t blend well. I used a standard office black marker to add some details, and then regular Crayola crayons to add depth to my colors. It was a fun project to play around with. Compact, cheap and fun. Find the child inside of you again.

Fiber Momentum

A quick sketch of a tree in my backyard, now minus its leaves. Done with a office supply felt tip marker, a fairly fat one. And finally some fibery progress…. After dithering about after every two rows, I decided to forge ahead on my Iced Sweater from Knitty made with Colinette Point Five. Due to the flash, the colors look pinker than the actual yarn. This is a top down sweater pattern, and after sweating the gauge for a bit. I’ve decided to consider it as a suggestion as to how much “off” I’m going to be, and try to compensate from there. I have no idea if I’ll have enough yarn to complete the sweater. I have 10 skeins of 50 m each = 500 meters or 546 yds. of Cardinal, (it is fairly bulky, I’m not sure if it is considered super bulky). The recommended needle size on the label is 17 and I’m using a 10 to get close to the gauge needed. This resulted in most of my problems, the knit is turning out to be thick and rather stiff. But I’ve decided to think of it as a warm sweater/coat

Happy Thanksgiving

What is this turkey knitting? Strangely enough this picture was shown on The Colbert Report on 12/3/08 I also like the knitted turkey hats! In child or adult size! From     Going Crafty links to the knitted baby tukey hat pattern .see link below that works, , available as a free ravelry download. Mummble-Jummble2 has a free pattern for a felted knitted turkey with a pilgrim hat . Knit Fast, Dye Yarn "Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass... it's about learning how to dance in the rain."