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Showing posts with the label 20 minute challenge

Pen and paper, 20 Minute Challenge

I found the 20 Minute Challenge by Katherine Cartwright from a fellow blogger Theresa of Blueberries, Art and Life , a fellow knitter than lured me into watercolor! It is a fun way to simplify your drawings! I tend to want to overdo it, so this has been a great tool for me. The first several times it was rather nerve racking with the timer counting down. Then something ā€œclickedā€ and I realized I could edit out whatever I wanted to. I urge you to take a look and try it yourself. It is oddly liberating, despite or because of the time limits. Fall White Pine Iā€™ve been playing around with the more portable ink and paper with a watercolor wash. Sitting in my yard after work, doing a bit of unwinding in these wonderful fall days, inspires me to sketch. The last of my roses. I love fall days with the clear air and crisp feel of autumn, football games and campfires! Do a little creating today!