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Showing posts with the label spring cleaning

Knitting, cleaning, and meditatingā€¦now spinning

Iā€™ve been on a big destashing mode lately. It makes me feel good. I can give, toss, or make something to give to someone. I have wanted to have a space in my office/craft room for meditation and yoga/Pilates.  Now I do! Almost done with it. Left on the list is new curtains, or some kind of window treatment. I was thinking about bamboo shades, until my neighborā€™s son came over when I was piling baskets into my trash can. He said his mom wanted the one on my top shelf if I was going to get rid of it. I was so confused, until I realized that she could see that from her window across the street. (maybe with binoculars)! So blinds and or curtains. Iā€™ve been doing quite a bit of spinning (for me). I met a girl on Ravelry that has become a good friend, she showed me how to core spin. While I still feel two thumbed when Iā€™m trying this here is my first attempt: Spun up from a batt that I purchased from   Fiber Content: Corriedale, Merino, B...