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Showing posts with the label crochet plant hanger

Cool DIY Planter and Hanger

I was making several plant hangers for my plants to save space ( see post here with free crochet plant hanger patterns ). I ran across this YouTube video from JoeyFingis. I though it was interesting that he up cycled a 2 liter pop bottle into a planter with a water run off reservoir using a water bottle, and made a acrylic crochet plant hanger to hang it with. I think the idea is stellar. Check it out! I thought this would be good for starting seeds, and cuttings for plants. Which started me thinking about all kinds of things. I found this quirky idea of hydroponic gardening with a crocheted net from grubbycup on urbangardenmagazine I’m ready for spring, and definitely going to try this, let me know if you do!!