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Showing posts with the label yogafairies

Featured Etsy Seller

Calkat is Kathy and Carrie, they have numerous etsy shops and also blog. I love the idea of yoga fairies Namaste Pose - Yoga Fairy   $15. 00 Cobra Pose - Yoga Fairy  $15.00 She makes about every pose you can think of, cute and I think the vibrant colors are nice also. Ametista' PurVeyOrs of DeLiCiOuSly DaRk aPoThEcArY bOtTlEs, FuRrY MoNsTeR bOxes, uNuSuAl OnE oF a KiNd GiFtS aNd MoRe... Mr. Snowman Apothecary Bottle  $10.00 CalKat the Jewelry Sole Luna e Stelles $58.00   blog located at   Enjoy shopping! Technorati Tags: featured etsy seller , calkat , yogafairies , ametista.the clayshoppe