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Showing posts with the label Knitting Credo

Knitting Credo (Latin for "I believe")

It occurs to me that maybe we all need a Knitting Credo, OK maybe I have been working too many hours. In workspeak, I'll have to "revisit that topic".  After all look at all of the Organizations that had one and got a lot done: Karl Marx, Black Panthers,   Wow way too many to list, political, artistic etc.... If I had a Credo would it consist of a list of methods I wanted to accomplish? lace patterns, cable, color methods in a  Master Knitter like way? A organized time line to be marked off one by one, a to-do list? Would it be more like 550 pages of "all work and no knitting makes me a dull girl", (sorry I love The Shining ). More likely it is a ever changing list in my head, some scribbled notes, and ideas. Yes something like, Oops no that is not working, switch to this pattern, needles, yarn. Go to LYS and ask for opinions from anyone who walks in, (who is always willing to give some sort of opinion, or often valuable nugget of...