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Showing posts with the label where is she now?

The Story of Grape Kool Aid and 2 at a time socks

I won some nice wool yarn from Where Is She Now? All of the way from India Some beige and grey yarn. While this yarn is lovely, it didnā€™t know what was in store for it. In the meantime, I ventured into Kool Aid dyeing. After my first attempt, I decided I could take the beige and make it purple. Butā€¦..I would sprinkle the Kool Aid on it. Soooooā€¦.. I soaked the yarn, and then put it in a plastic container and put it in the microwave for 2 min. Thenā€¦ā€¦..I opened up my grape Kool Aid (well generic kool aid) Then I sprinkled and heated and then tossed and repeated until I was happyā€¦. Sprinkle, sprinkleā€¦..and heat toss and sprinkle and heatā€¦ And pretty soon it looked all different hues of purple and blue. So then I let it cool, rinsed and washed it, then hung it out to dry. Pretty, and the yarn told me it wanted to be socks. But I didnā€™t have enough, so I went back and looked and the grey ballā€¦.I had some left over Kool Aid, so I over dyed it in the microwave . Well a tes...

Look what the mailman brought me!

I got some yarn from Where is she now? She ran a pass it on, three prizes contest. I won some yarn! Yea!!! I decided to turn mine into fibery goodness for 3 months. I'm going to run one giveaway in the months of April, May and June. You can enter the April giveaway for sock yarn here . Luck to you! This is what I got.. May your needles fly as fast as Dragonflies... Technorati Tags: Sockotta sock yarn give away , where is She Now? , knitting