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Showing posts with the label rag quilts

rag quilts and quilts.....

Here are some of the rag quilts, now I think I need to make some table runners or how about some tree skirts....OOOOO....

Rag quilts, rag quilts, rag quilts....

I am on the countdown of the Christmas craft fair, and am a little bonkers. I have been quilting non-stop. (My knitting has suffered). Finally got my husband to help me cut squares, he cut about 50 squares and thought he was done. LOL (hysterically at this point) No we have about 60 yards more to cut. No to mention the batting. I like to reveal things a little at a time to him. It's going well, I finally have it down to an assembly line method, not as inspiring. I started out with each one being a different design, then after a minor panic set it, decided I had to have a better plan. Soooo... 30 quilts done today, and still at work. I have started calling it our (my girlfriend is making jewelry) Craftastrophie, or it may be Craftastic, we are definitely getting Craftitis and hopefully this will not develop into a case of Craftphobia. I do have about 15 knitted scarves done. Am trying to do more of those also. On the bright side this is a good way to diet, Not sure what I would name...