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Showing posts with the label swatching for gauge

Gauge, a necessary evil..

I was rereading the DomiKNITtrix book the other day. (by Jennifer Stafford, also see DomiKNITtrix website ) She does have a number of free patterns available, as well as patterns to purchase. One of my favorite tricks she has is her technique for knitting the gauge. She suggests buying only one skein of the yarn you are considering for a project, now I donā€™t have that much self control. But it sounds like a great idea. Use the needle size recommended, or the size you think will give you gauge (I am a very loose knitter and usually go down two sizes). Cast on the number of stitches that the yarn label recommends for 4 inches square, plus add a few stitches. Knit garter for 3 to 4 rows,  now knit the stitch that will comprise the majority of your pattern, (lets say that is stockinette stitch). Knit in the pattern stitch for an inch or two, now switch to stockinette stitch, (if you are not already using that stitch) and in the middle of the swatch knit the corresponding numb...