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Showing posts with the label Spoon ring tutorial

DIYā€™s I want to makeā€¦

Spring is coming, soon, really! But until then, lets try some new crafts. A few I like are belowā€¦ Spoon ring tutorial from ThroughTheFrontDoor . Remember these? I donā€™t have any left, take off to a Goodwill, or Salvation Army store, or hit some yard sales and your all ready. And check out this video for an amazing fork bracelet with stones! Thanks Mr. YoBeano! . From AgirlandaglueGun, make some cute flower for your hair, or bag! Or make a whole bunch of them! Try making this BillyCardi from NoBigDill , she has so many fun ideas! And another fun bracelet from VanessaChristenson , a jersey knit bracelet! This teaches finger knitting! A great project for adults and children! Get crafty!!