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Showing posts with the label roku

Hot, Humid Lazy Days of Summer…

In the hot, humid summer days we have been catching up on yard work, house work, and discovered Roku! A great cheap way to get our TV. So I’ve had some TV knitting! We have had just an antenna for about 4 years now, so there are all kinds of shows out there I’ve never seen. I’m starting another quilt. More on that later. And thinking of letting my hair go grey. The coloring is becoming rather tiring. Every two weeks is too expensive to go professional. I have been using henna for almost two years. Love the feel of my hair with it. But e-gods it is messy, and with the increasing greys, comes more of an orange color vs.: auburn. I found Anne Kreamer’s book Going Gray , and have been inspired to give it a go, after all I can color it again if I don’t like it. I also found this web site, Going Gray and Looking Great , if my hair actually looks like any of these ladies does, I’ll be happy. Anyone out there letting their color grow out? I’ve been coloring since I was in my mid-late 20’s,...