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Showing posts with the label Knitting evolution

Set your sail in the direction you want to go and hold on, Knitting memories..

I have always been interested in fiber crafts/arts. That is something that comes naturally for me. It has always been with me, I remember knitting outfits for Barbie, yes of course in pink. My doll babies had their blankets and quilts. I went though a relentless hat/scarf stage that lasted years. Looking back at pictures I see many friends and family wearing hats that are setting on top of their heads (too small) or big enough that it was a problem to see their eyes. But I thought these items were beautiful and was so proud of them. Now when I see the photos I realize that I truly am blessed to know a great group of people that will look silly to please me. In high school I entered my purse, tote bag stage. I had so many purses, what is a girl to do. Woe be to anyone who complimented me on my purse, I could promptly gift that to them and make a different one. I had a huge run on afghans in college, what better way to unwind than sit around the dorm and...