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Showing posts with the label JCasa Handmade felted bag

New Year's Day Knitting

It's New Years Day, and while I'm not sure I'm going to make any "official" resolutions. I am making this an all day knitting event. Confetti fills the sky at the New Year's eve festivities, Thursday, Jan. 1. 2009 in New York's Time's Square. (AP Photo/Stephen Cherrin) Michelle, a good friend of mine, who I had knitted a scarf for, last year. Needs a new one, her roommate decided to "wash" it, with her jeans can see where I'm going here. Wool and mohair blend, now felted, or I think it tried to felt, but with the jeans, socks etc... So I picked out a yarn that might hold up a little better for her. (translation, machine washable). On to the next project.... I had picked out a felted purse bag pattern for myself. I don't usually use, or wear anything that I knit. I picked out the Retro Bag by Shelley . I wasn't on the side of town with a "real" yarn shop so I decided that I would pick something out at Michaels...