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Showing posts with the label felting wool

Knitting, spinning or fiber references in holy booksā€¦

From BibleGateway Psalm 147:16 He spreads the snow like wool and scatters the frost like ashes. Psalm 147:15-17 (in Context) Psalm 147 (Whole Chapter) Proverbs 31:19 In her hand she holds the distaff and grasps the spin dle with her fingers. Proverbs 31:18-20 (in Context) Proverbs 31 (whole chapter) Exodus 26:1 [ The Tabernacle ] "Make the tabernacle with ten curtains of finely twisted linen and blue, purple and scarlet yarn , with cherubim worked into them by a skilled craftsman. Exodus 26:1-3 (in Context) Exodus 26 Judges 6:37 look, I will place a wool fleece on the threshing floor. If there is dew only on the fleece and all the ground is dry, then I will know that you will save Israel by my hand, as you said." Judges 6:36-38 (in Context) Judges 6 (Whole Chapter) I would be interested in fiber related text from other Holy Books, if you know any, please feel free to share them! ht...

I love it when a plan comes together, even accidentally

Thanks to everyone that gave me advice and ideas about my sadly felted purse. I now know a lot more about felting. See the comments of my felting post. Good tip from A Bag of Olives , "the piece USUALLY (but not always) shortens lengthwise about 30% more than width-wise." My husband is a drummer and plays in a percussion ensemble. They were playing that night and as were walking out he looks at my bag and says "are you making me a stick bag ?", well, you know any good spouse who needs to stall for time repeats the question "making you a stick bag"? And the light bulb went off above my head. {For anyone that doesn't know this is kind of a purse for your drum sticks and other drumming items.} Husband "and it matches my drums!" Giggles from me at this point, I love it when good karma comes back to me! My pitiful bag was to become a one of a kind accidental "stick bag", thanks to Spin, Knit and Life who gave me the advice to refelt an...

Felting, saving yourself a headache

I have been working on a purse to felt. It has been hibernating a bit. I finished it, and was quite pleased. Felt is the oldest form of fabric known to humankind. It predates weaving and knitting, although there is archaeological evidence from the British Museum that the first known thread was made by winding vegetable fibers on the thigh. In Turkey, the remains of felt have been found dating back at least to 6,500 BC. Highly sophisticated felted artifacts were found preserved in permafrost in a tomb in Siberia and dated to 600AD. WHO INVENTED FELTING? THERE IS THE IDEA THAT ST. CLEMENT, THE PATRON SAINT OF FELTERS AND HAT MAKERS, PUT WOOL IN THE BOTTOM OF HIS SANDALS AS HE TREKKED OFF ON A HOLY MISSION.  THAT IS POSSIBLE, BUT ARCHEOLOGY AND SCIENCE HAVE SHOWN US THAT FELTING HAS BEEN AROUND A LOT LONGER THAN THAT DEAR OLD SAINT. MAYBE AS LONG AS ABOUT 30,000 YEARS OR MORE! Saint Clement I, was the 3rd Bishop of ...