What is this turkey knitting? Strangely enough this picture was shown on The Colbert Report on 12/3/08 I also like the knitted turkey hats! In child or adult size! From Going Crafty links to the knitted baby tukey hat pattern .see link below that works, http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/jive-turkey-baby-hat , available as a free ravelry download. Mummble-Jummble2 has a free pattern for a felted knitted turkey with a pilgrim hat . Knit Fast, Dye Yarn "Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass... it's about learning how to dance in the rain."
I have yarn and a spinning wheel. Ready to handle anything as long as I have my fiber along for the ride. Contact me at: knittingdragonflies at gmail dot com A blog about knitting and spinning. I also have a link list to tutorials for knitting spinning and a free knitting patterns link list.