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Showing posts with the label knitted purse zipper

Afterthought zipper

Evidence that life is a like yarn, sometimes it gets knotty, but with patience you can work it out, or if all else fails, cut it and tie a knot. This knitting story begins with a knitting girlfriend, a birthday and a series of catastrophes . I started knitting the felted knotted up bag because a friend was having a birthday. She has been knitting for about a year and has been admiring my felted bag. Her partner wanted to buy her some yarn so she could make one, but she was a total non knitter. So enter me.Armed with a budget, and a pattern, I set out. I find the perfect yarn and it was on sale! Yay! A lovely kettle dyed yarn that was perfect. I couldn’t resist buying some yarn for myself, and decided I would knit the purse with her.   I love this photo, it came in an email, does anyone know who these two women are? I feel like I should recognize them.   A week before her birthday a series of disasters happen, the worst one is that her uninsured father in in an ex...