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Lendrum spinning wheel arrives (my first wheel)

I ordered a spinning wheel. It was a big decision with lots of dithering involved. This article from Abby's Yarns helped me, thanks Abby! And my spinning mentor at Spin, Knit and Life , go look at her handspun, and she quilts also, Thanks Phyllis! {She also has an Etsy shop with handspun, batts and other yummy items}.  I had the idea it had to be the "perfect wheel" for me. Then a light bulb went off, everyone that spins does not have just one spindle or (eek) wheel. So with that thought, I decided that my first wheel would be a Lendrum. I tried it out at a Fiber festival last year, and the girl (sorry I forgot your name, I was in fiber overload) was just sitting there spinning in a group, she was so chatty and nice. She was in love with her wheel and it showed. She chatted away about drive ratios, scotch tension, double drive. As a result I fell in love with it also. I tried only several spinning wheels, but the one I liked the best was a Lendrum, I wanted a doub

Crochet scrubbie pattern and recycled shirt to sweet summer dress!

I got one of these for Christmas several years ago. I loved it, and have been searching for a pattern for one. I finally discovered a close imitation here . (lots of other patterns also) also see another photo of it here at Eternal Arts & Crafts . Upon looking at it I would use cotton yarn, but my everlasting scrubbie is done in acrylic, it dry's quickly and is a tuff little guy, but will not scratch. My husband has it now, using it to clean bugs off of his windshield. I found this on Frogginette Makes Things , which is a great blog. She links to the tutorial, it is recycled yet fresh and pretty dress!! Tutorial by Clevergirl , thanks! This has me rummaging in my husbands closet, (he will never know). She also has another recycled shirt idea for a top, very cute and casual and clean looking. Check out her blog and her refashioned shirts here (she has more ideas!) Clever girl indeed.... Here is a free download from Knitting Daily for a w

This and that, searching for inspiration and gluebooks

Off today and have a list of "things to do". I've been in a cleaning mood lately, so I'm going with it. Clearing away and decluttering, I have found I can not be creative if my house (especially my sewing room) get too messy. I clean and this room ends up, well a catch all for everything that does not get to its proper place. So, needless to say, no knitting has occurred yet. I am working on a gluebook . Thanks to Paula the Quilter, *take any kind of journal, book whatever. It can be printed or not *take magazines and cut out words or pictures that appeal to you *glue the cut outs to pages in your book *add journaling or not, check some out here.   Flicker group here. Or see Artjunkgirl 's blog and GoMakeSomething here Spring Knitty is out!! Inspiration here. Don't forget KnittySpin . The Yarn Harlot has a new book out! This looks interesting. Highlighted by Knitters Review, A Go Knit Pouch . You can buy here or see more detai