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Crochet scrubbie pattern and recycled shirt to sweet summer dress!

I got one of these for Christmas several years ago. I loved it, and have been searching for a pattern for one. I finally discovered a close imitation here . (lots of other patterns also) also see another photo of it here at Eternal Arts & Crafts . Upon looking at it I would use cotton yarn, but my everlasting scrubbie is done in acrylic, it dry's quickly and is a tuff little guy, but will not scratch. My husband has it now, using it to clean bugs off of his windshield. I found this on Frogginette Makes Things , which is a great blog. She links to the tutorial, it is recycled yet fresh and pretty dress!! Tutorial by Clevergirl , thanks! This has me rummaging in my husbands closet, (he will never know). She also has another recycled shirt idea for a top, very cute and casual and clean looking. Check out her blog and her refashioned shirts here (she has more ideas!) Clever girl indeed.... Here is a free download from Knitting Daily for a w

This and that, searching for inspiration and gluebooks

Off today and have a list of "things to do". I've been in a cleaning mood lately, so I'm going with it. Clearing away and decluttering, I have found I can not be creative if my house (especially my sewing room) get too messy. I clean and this room ends up, well a catch all for everything that does not get to its proper place. So, needless to say, no knitting has occurred yet. I am working on a gluebook . Thanks to Paula the Quilter, *take any kind of journal, book whatever. It can be printed or not *take magazines and cut out words or pictures that appeal to you *glue the cut outs to pages in your book *add journaling or not, check some out here.   Flicker group here. Or see Artjunkgirl 's blog and GoMakeSomething here Spring Knitty is out!! Inspiration here. Don't forget KnittySpin . The Yarn Harlot has a new book out! This looks interesting. Highlighted by Knitters Review, A Go Knit Pouch . You can buy here or see more detai

Three prizes, pay it forward...

I won a fibery prize from Where is she Now? And now I'll offer one to you!! The first three people to comment will get something from me! The catch is that you must repost this on your blog and offer the same to the first 3 people who do the same on your blog. The first 3 people to do so and leave a comment telling me they did, win a gift - yarn, or beads. Ok? Get set and go..... Technorati Tags: Three prizes , pay it forward , Where is She Now?

Spring cleaning and spinning wheel shopping

Off this weekend and spring cleaning! There is nothing like cleaning out and tossing the old. Making way for the new and fresh. Both in life and in your house. I was drinking coffee with my husband this morning and I overheard a man talking to a women. He says "I was weighed down by his physiological aura ", well I'm not sure what he was talking about but I have felt like I was in a big funk for several months. Last night I had vibrant dreams, I was a person who had been hoarding in my house for years, trying to clean it out. I woke up, finally...., and decided this morning I needed to spring clean.   There is nothing like cleaning the dust and dirt from the winter out. Opening up the windows and clearing out clutter! Good smells and fresh air. I don't consider my self a especially organized person or a clean freak. However, after these dreams and my BIG funk, I have been beloved grandmother was a hoarder. I didn't realize this until


Ever feel like this gal?? Ready to get motivated yet???

I've been feeling "sluggish"

And now I can combine that with knitting, tee hee , check this post out to find out where to look for a knitted slug pattern From mochimochiland, check out her free slug and snail patterns ! From Hook and Needles , how about some brain slugs Kathryn Ivy knitted a banana slug that is very lifelike. The pattern she used is from Hansigurumi on etsy From Pepperberry: A Wool felt slug Knit what you feel, form follows function       Technorati Tags: cheezoombie , Pepperberry , Kathryn Ivy , Banana Slug patterns , Hansigurimi on etsy , hook and needles , mochimochiland

Wouldn't you like to be knitting here...

A cup of tea and some needles with this view would make an excellent day. Technorati Tags: wouldn't you like to be knitting here