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Knitting Credo (Latin for "I believe")

It occurs to me that maybe we all need a Knitting Credo, OK maybe I have been working too many hours. In workspeak, I'll have to "revisit that topic".  After all look at all of the Organizations that had one and got a lot done: Karl Marx, Black Panthers,   Wow way too many to list, political, artistic etc.... If I had a Credo would it consist of a list of methods I wanted to accomplish? lace patterns, cable, color methods in a  Master Knitter like way? A organized time line to be marked off one by one, a to-do list? Would it be more like 550 pages of "all work and no knitting makes me a dull girl", (sorry I love The Shining ). More likely it is a ever changing list in my head, some scribbled notes, and ideas. Yes something like, Oops no that is not working, switch to this pattern, needles, yarn. Go to LYS and ask for opinions from anyone who walks in, (who is always willing to give some sort of opinion, or often valuable nugget of sage advice).

Oops look what came in the mail, Eye Candy!!

Malachite superwash Merino From The Ranch on Etsy Carnival from the same place, also superwash merino, I couldn't resist, it looks like cotton candy. And it is sooo soft also. Check out their profile The Ranches Angoras I am anxious to start spinning this. Technorati Tags: Roving , The Ranches Angoras

Inspirational book: Intertwined by Lexi Boeger

I am new to spinning. I am searching at my local bookstores for any spinning related books. I happened upon this one to my surprise at Joann's. It is full of inspiration, and even if you don't try any of these spinning ideas, beautiful to look at. Pictures are great, and Pluckyfluff aka Lexi Boeger   covers it all. She does briefly cover a "balanced yarn" but this book is about nontraditional spinning, including everything from chenille, nubs, slubs, and cocoons to shredded paper and ribbons. Lexi recommends a drum carder and says, "I would rather have a drop spindle and a drum carder than a fantastic wheel and commercial roving." I think this tells you what kind of yarn you will see her produce. Pluckyfluff  gives advice and permission for us to look at everything, and think we could add it into our spinning, mistake? No such thing. There is also a large section devoted to patterns, both knit and crochet, felt an

Tour de Fleece 2008 update

I did finish spinning all of my fiber from Etsy's CJ Kopec creations. I don't have all of it off the spindles yet. This is my first time at spinning something other than practice fibers. I'm happy with the result and with the 4 oz I spun, I hope to knit a hat to wear while I'm dog walking. It is soft and I love the colors! Thanks also to Knitwitch, I bought a spindle bowl and without that I wouldn't have gotten it all spun. It really speeded things up. All of this has really gotten me hooked on spinning. Now I need a hat pattern.....giggles You know how I love to shop, I found the cutest little drop spindle earrings on Etsy . I think I need a pair!! Technorati Tags: le Tour De Fleece 2008

Wouldn't you like to be knitting here...

Summer Knitty is out

The Summer Knitty is out ! There are some great things in it, as always. Don't forget to check out the Knitty spin sections. The calender contest deadline is approaching, if you dare enter. Give it a shot. This has my rapt attention right now (Sea Tangles). Sounds easy and would be nice to throw over all kinds of pieces. Also found a good spinning link Spinning Down Under, good info and tons of interesting links. I've been working too much, I hate it when that happens, and my head gets all wrapped up in the work drama. All work and no play makes me a dull girl. Technorati Tags: Summer Knitty 2008 links , Spinning down under links

Summer spinning and heat

While taking a break from spinning, I happened to catch a swallowtail on a hummingbird bush. I found this interesting link , plans to make a walking wheel from PVC. This is similar to the Babes Walking Wheel . On another spinning note, I have come across the Mother Marion kick spindle, I first saw a clip on ">'>you Tube . Looking interesting. The cicadas started to sing a few days ago. Even with the dastardly heat it's nice to get out in the evenings. Technorati Tags: Walking wheel , Link for plans Pvc spinning wheel , Great wheel , spinning