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Craft show finally here!! Teaching knitting

It is the 29 th and this is the last night I will have time off before the Christmas Craft Show! I think I have everything that is on my many lists packed. I am trying to remind myself to just relax now and have fun. I decided to give any money that I make from the knitted items to DAV. I will be happy if I break even on my quilts, and pleased if I make a little money. The weather forecast is suppose to be partly sunny and 51 on sat and 90% chance of rain on sun and about 60. So I'm hoping a lot of people come to shop on sat. That is the day they have breakfast with Santa and the Christmas parade. I am teaching people to knit at work during lunch. It has been fun for me and funny. As a long time knitter it is easy to forget to tell people the little things. How we automatically hold the needles and yarn. Trying to find a comfortable way with each person has been a challenge for me. I knit continental, or pick method, my grandmother taught me that way. I do know how to throw or Engl

Knitting in public....Politically correct??? When??

When it is OK to knit in public? Certainly on the bus, subway, at lunch and break. But what about meetings? Church? I was preparing to go to a wedding yesterday. I was hot into knitting something. And had a fleeting thought, "I would really like to knit on this at the reception". Would this be regarded as rude? Would I seem unsociable? I have had people comment to me before that they thought I was being rude. Well it never occurred to me, people go out for a smoke break, (although that is getting less acceptable, even though I live in the tobacco belt, where almost everyone smokes) So in the end I didn't take my knitting and we were off to the wedding. Imagine my absolute delight when after being at the reception for awhile a young women with a man with dreadlocks, pulled some needles from her bag and started knitting. I was most pleased, I excused myself from my table and beat it over to hers. After all, if we are knitters we are not strangers. I sat and we immediately b

Full Moon....

Full moon here..