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Great knitting gift ideas....

I always like to carry a pair of socks in progress, never know when I will have a few minutes to knit. But I always have problems with my stitches coming off of the needles, if you have the same problem or need a good gift for a sock knitter, check these out!!! DPW WIP tubes . In addition to that I love this set of needles, not all people would like these, but my grandmother taught me to knit and we used very old needles, so I have a odd collection of the steel needles, I like this set of nickel plates DP needles . My stitches zip along on these, so if you love the Addi Turbo needles, I think you would like these. Yes, by now you have figured out that in addition to yarn I love buying needles and knitting accessories. Happy shopping, may you always have good shopping Karma...

Dominiknitrix, gauge swatch

The Dominiknitrix . I bought this book after hearing someone (sorry I forgot who) on a podcast recommend it. It does empower you to knit. It actually changed my view on knitting/quilting (or anything really). Yes I CAN knit this. Jump in and learn and master. She has many good tips on simple things also. Gauge swatches, who loves them? I had been gauge swatching for years, and using the (I believe Elizabeth Zimmerman) technique of knotting the tail of my yarn with the number of knots to correspond the size of my needle that I used, Dominiknitrix suggests that we knit several rows, then purl (or use your pattern stitch) then knit the corresponding number of stitches of the needles that was used. I like this technique better and it gives a lot of info on the gauge of various kinds of stitches, after washing, you get a wide variety of ideas of what is going on with your yarn. From runs, looks crappy in this pattern, is a general pain, oooo I love it!!, this is it!!! This is just

Eat, Knit, Eat, Knit, Eat, walkt the dogs, Knit, Eat...

On Thanksgiving, we both ate until we were bursting, and of course I got a lot of knitting in. I had to work days, so when I arrived home my hubby had been working in the kitchen making a puff pastry, veggie dish. It was very good. And weighed about 25 lbs. In between eating, snoozing and a lot of knitting, I did a little dog walking, so I could eat some pumpkin pie, (my favorite)!!! I am totally off of the quilting until after the craft show, but am on a scarf knitting marathon...Gonna switch to bigger needles. If you have not seen my list of "things to buy for your knitters" check it out! May it give you some ideas to add to your own wish list, or help a non knitter buy a gift. Enjoy your shopping if you are brave enough to venture out today, and of course, take out some time to knit.... Remember I've got needles and I'm not afraid to use them...