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Showing posts with the label watercolors

Watercolor practice, Just add water

I have recently been captivated by watercolors. This is the last thing I thought I would ever try! But, upon reading Theresa’s blog Blueberries, Art and Life , I was sucked into the world of watercolors. (I’m getting a little looser with my brush) I’m amazed at how the colors blend and run, creating a  lightness that is theirs alone. For a reasonable price you can get a basic set of brushes, paint and paper, and get hooked. I found a website that has info on watercolors, by Bruce MacEvoy. Of course, like knitting, water color painting comes with a language all of it’s own. I like this site, lots of tutorials, there is a big learning curve in learning the strokes and how to be loose and free with them. I also tend to want to fill in every speck of the page with color. Unlike knitting there is no frogging! It is fun to search for watercolors on You Tube and watch some artists paint. Below is an example of “wet on wet” from Anders Andersson   So I p

Tour De Fleece 2010 Finish

I didn’t get all of my fleece spun up. But I made good headway. I foolishly thought I would be able to return to work and spin up over a pound of fleece! Well a girl can dream. Dogs sleep, I spin… I finished the Parrot Fish BLF 4.6 oz, approx 260 yds, yellow and turquoise mix. I like the colors, this is the first roving that I have spun that was bi-colored, and I am pleased with the result! The BFL from Orion 4.4 oz, ? yds, I have approx 11.6 more oz of this fleece to spin up, but the good news is that it is lovely to spin and I will have enough of it to knit something with, I’m hoping a sweater. I think  the deep brown of his fleece is unusual. Not much else to report, a visit from family this weekend, so we were all busy. My brother’s new girlfriend knits! Say no more!! Get the preacher! I have been playing around with watercolors a little, having some fun. Here is a sample of colored pencils with a bit of watercolor wash.  I really have been wooed by watercolors. I