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Wouldn’t You Like To Be Knitting Here….

Dawn in Kathmandu from segenepal’s photostream from flickr I like the contrast of this photo! Kathmandu Nepal is the capital and, with more than one million inhabitants, the largest metropolitan city of Nepal.

Knitting Apps! (or I’ve got a android now)

I finally gave in and got one. Two days later I’m hooked, Well after calling several people accidentally, and having trouble hanging up. Does anyone actually read the manual that comes with your phone? No! Only when forced to…*grin* I went on an app downloading spree, of course after loosing my micro sd chip in the only little gap in the back of the phone. Gone forever I guess, I was afraid to poke around too much. What are your favorite app’s? I had no idea that there were so many knitting apps! So I decided to check them out *of course* I’m not sure there are any “must have” ones, of course why not check some out, especially if they are free!. Oh, there is an android group on Ravelry , Top Knitting Apps. (let me know if you use any apps for knitting or have any of these) 1. Visual Knitting Counter (free, ave rating 4)-After looking at the screen shots I thought this would be handy for keeping track of lace knitting. And one of the reviewers thought so “Multiple counters with

Quilts Are Meant to Be Used

In the hot summer I try to find time to mend all of the socks and quilts. I know it is easy to keep that precious quilt in storage and save it. I do have some packed up, but for the most part I like to use them. Quilts are made by someone who has put a great deal of themselves into them. Picking out fabric and the pattern. Whether it is a scrappy quilt, made out of necessity with bits and pieces of leftover fabric. Or a special quilt, with new fabric picked out just for that project, they tell a great deal about the person that made them. I made this quilt with random plaids and solids, with white strips in-between, I like that I didn’t have any rules to follow. I just cut and sewed. I almost never put all white or light color on the back of a quilt. If making it for a gift I tend to, but for myself, I love to use prints on the back, I didn’t take a photo of the back of this one, but it is a red, yellow thin stripe. I thought I looked good with the front. Scrappy strip quilt, fun t