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I’m only buying one skein of sock yarn! Ha…

My girlfriend that I met on Ravelry and I went to the Southern Indiana Fiber Arts Festival , last weekend. The drive was pretty, the company good, weather cold, and the fiber great! I went with the plan that I was only buying one skein of sock yarn. Really, just one skein. Dena wanted to look at spinning wheels, or maybe I wanted her to look at spinning wheels. We walked, talked, looked, fondled a lot of fiber and yarn. She tried a few wheels, and didn’t buy that much. I was doing fine until I bought: Screaming Wild Monkey! A special house blend of 70% super wash merino/15% Banana/!5% Seacell (impregnated with silver) 4 oz. The photo doesn’t show the colors, they are vibrant. From the River’s Edge Weaving Studio at Then I ran across: 50g each of Tussah Sea Sliver, 60% Seacell, 40% Tussah Silk from Fleece Artist at While my girlfriend looked at wheels I found these: Sweet bunnies, then I purchased…. A big ball of German angora bunny and

Featured Etsy Seller

Featured Etsy Seller is Made by Melissa ! A  28 year old engineer by day – and she started crafting as a way to express her creativity. Good prices, and quality items! She crochets, Recycled Silk Breezy Scarf $35.00 USD Beads, Pink Crystal Dangle Earrings $10.00 USD and has many other items in her shop. Penny the Pink Elephant  $15.00 USD Stop past her shop and look around, and take a look at her blog here . Support Handmade! Technorati Tags: featured etsy seller , Made by melissa

Decluttering, working towards simplicity

I have been on a major decluttering streak. I have pitched, donated and reorganized, but I’m not done yet. I come from a mother who was extremely neat and orderly, and a grandmother that teetered near hoarding. So I live in fear of, well, maybe both extremes. Clutter seems to show up, mysteriously in my house.  I have tried over the years to beat it back. Below are the tips that helped me most. 1. Find a system. I tried for years to organize myself, it wasn’t until I studied naturally organized people that I realized that, yes I need a “constant” system. Not one week every three months to work non stop to make everything perfect again. Only to ignore it for another three months. (my favorite is a crazy lady, the flylady , also good are ) Find something that works for you, and then yes, you have to use it. 2. Baby steps Even if you only have 5 minutes, pick a shelf, drawer, even a portion of a counter. I have a rule, if I’m talking on the phone, I’m declutte