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Memorial Day

As Memorial Day approaches, I think of family members that have served our country. My father is one of eight, many of which served their country. My husband served in Vietnam. What I have observed in them: 1) They have life long friends, forged in times that we cannot imagine. 2) They take politics very seriously, especially ones involving wars, conflicts ie.. whatever we are calling them at the moment. 3) They are slow to anger, tender at heart, and take things seriously. 4) They had to grow up fast, saw newly made friends suffer and die. 5) Few words are said among them about what passed, but just a look between them says volumes. May we think of them this Memorial Day and send them love and healing, especially those still in service.      Running Children                                                             Then 21 years old, Ut was working as a photographer for Associated Press in Saigon when he heard that the South Vietnamese Air Force was napalming

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Progress on socks on one circular needle

Now that I know what I am doing this is progressing quickly, and is nice to transport in my purse to knit. It's nice not to have a bunch of dp's sticking out and my stitches coming off. I am actually using a 32 inch long needle, I know it calls for a 40 inch. I think this would make it easier, but I have had no trouble. I am using sock yarn, maybe the 40 inch would be necessary if you were using a bulkier yarn. The author emailed me, (many thanks, with corrections to the book) CORRECTIONS FOR THE BOOK; You’ll want to make the following changes to the technique section of the book, and then check Storey Publishing’s web site for the errata in a couple of charts. Changing the steps below will make this a smooth process (honest!) Step 17: next to last sentence should read “End having just worked a right side row” Turning the Heels, last sentence should read ”…beginning with sock A” Step 18: Should read “On heel flap A…” Step 22, 23: change all B’s to A’s.