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Frogged pyramid sweater morphs to .....

Yes I am going to cast on something with my frogged yarn from my pyramid sweater this weekend. Really I am.....the yarn has been in a pile on my shelf silently mocking me, and making me feel guilty. Beautiful yarn, and it needs to become something beautiful. so I will search on the Internet, and magazines and books until I find the pattern that whispers to me, make me..... I am looking at this pattern right now, I think I would like something like this yet with row by row color changes, maybe more like this ?? I hope. So more on that soon. When I was having some fun I found this blog , as I am always trying to organize myself. I found this interesting. OK well maybe I don't want to be that organized, seem like it would take away from my knitting time. I have been having thoughts about quilting again. Today I was so excited, my girlfriend is pregnant!! This will be her 2ND, her first little girl is 9, and is a trisomy 8/cp. I am trying to decide if I should quilt, crochet or knit

Esty seller Finger puppets

I found this Etsy seller while shopping around and having my coffee this am. . These puppets are so cute and afforable. They make me smile. Check this store out. I think this is a original and fun idea.

Blanket done in time for baby shower

Here is the finished baby blanket, just in time for the shower. I ended up crocheting the picot border in a sc in 3, then chain 3, sc in next 3 stitches. Pretty, but took me a long time to get around it. Now on to the bridesmaid wrap, still working on the first sleeve. Since I bought the yarn from Handpainted, it comes shrink wrapped with very little info about it, just the dye name. So I cannot remember what the estimated yardage was, and it does not say on my receipt. I decided that I should do the arms first and then see how much was left for the wrap part. And I am thinking about doing a little roll collar. More to come soon. I cannot believe that is all I have on my needles right now. I am usually a 5 project at a time girl. I better start casting on something. That means digging into the stash.... Keep on knitting!! And stay warm.