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Knitters Tarot Tuesday

Ten of Cups   This is one of the most peaceful cards of the deck. The ten cups arranged in a rainbow, the happy couple beneath and the children playing. It represents peace, harmony, fulfillment, joy. The house is surrounded by trees and a stream, also a sign of prosperity. This is only cup card in which the cups are not supported by material means. We should take up our knitting this week and fly, anything is possible, try to pick up that cast aside article, or finish that UFO, or soar with a new challenging project!   The Tarot is a deck of cards that originated over 500 years ago in northern Italy. Although the Tarot was first used in a game called Triumphs , it was quickly adopted as a tool for divination, and popularized by occult societies such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn . The early Tarot symbolism was deeply rooted in Medieval and Renaissance Europe. Today, the Tarot is far and away the most popular tool for spiritual introspection in the

Wouldn't you like to be knitting here....

Thanks to MJHeartJesus for the photo For more info on this area see:

Crochet change purse pattern, tutorial and Facts about the color blue

Coin purse that I made, this was simple and fun. Using the crochet basket pattern, except keep going up on the sides until you can gather it in your hands, then I added a row of sl stitch around, (to reinforce). If the original hole at the beginning of the bottom was too big, just grab the tail and stitch around it, pulling it tight, then backstitch to hold. Then made a tie by using the chain stitch, I threaded it, in and out around the top and actually keep chaining until it was as long as I needed it. Then find a bead with a hole big enough to put the tie through, to use to close it. (this was the hardest part, finding a bead with the right size hole) Knot the ends together on the tie, and fill with change. Here are some more crocheted baskets. I seem to still be in my "blue" mode. I have to consciously pick out other colors. Blue=sea, sky, and flowers.Blue is calming. It can be strong

Featured Etsy Seller

Check out joey and aleethea's Shop at Etsy. Her theme could be all things baby and little ones. Bibs, Burp Cloths, Cloths, and Blankies, you just have to visit to look. The cute factor is great. Too cute for words, she also does cutom orders. Technorati Tags: featured etsy seller

Remembering 9-11

Please give to the charity or organization of your choice. If you need help in evaluating a charity  please refer to this website:   Charity Navigator: Your Guide to Intelligent Giving   As they were meant to be..   Technorati Tags: Charity Evaluator

Knitter's Tarot Tuesday Reading...

Knitting Tarot card for this week...   The Ten of Swords Represents being "pinned down", and helplessness, the dark clouds, a bleak situation, this card is the most grim card in the deck. However the golden sky in the distance signifies a brighter horizon. This week, perhaps we should lay our knitting aside and meditation on any difficulties you are having. Until the knitting clouds blow over.   The Tarot is a deck of cards that originated over 500 years ago in northern Italy. Although the Tarot was first used in a game called Triumphs , it was quickly adopted as a tool for divination, and popularized by occult societies such as the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn . The early Tarot symbolism was deeply rooted in Medieval and Renaissance Europe. Today, the Tarot is far and away the most popular tool for spiritual introspection in the West. Enjoy your knitting this week Technorati Tags: Knitters Tuesday Tarot reading

Felt Tote Fall Organizer Bag

Here is my first felt tote bag, easy and fun! I added little embroidery floss crosses on the handles, to match the stitching around the pieces. Print fabric, pumpkins and fall leaves I added organizer pockets, one with three spaces on one side, and a single larger one on the other. Here is the link if you are interested in making one of these. While looking around I found a few other cute things to make: Bathina bag Variation The Beer Sweater by Melissa Martensen Craftster. org a list of tutorials of all kinds, including a whole list for purses and wallets. Technorati Tags: felt tote bag tutorial link