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Homemade Deodorant, and it works….


This probably comes under the TMI clause, but I’ve had to rotate deodorants since I’ve begun using them. I usually have at least 3 in the rotation, due to what I like to call “fire pits”. For me this is a extreme rash, bumps and sometimes hive like condition, while using deodorants.

I’ve used about everything on the market, even stopped shaving my pits, (which I couldn’t stand and really didn’t help).

I had a really bad flare up recently, and twice now I’ve come up with big lumps. So I thought, OK, off to the blogosphere to see what others have come up with.

My first success is the Crystal Rock,Crystal Body Deodorant Stick For Men

The link above will bring you to the website and the “Crystal Story” . This is made from natural mineral salt, and works well. It comes in a roll on also, and lasts for an amazingly long time. Irritation free, and pit happy this is a great product.  The only issue I have with this, is that is is a deodorant, not an antiperspirant. so while I love this product, I was still using something else for those days, when it is hot out, or I knew I was going to be in a meeting, etc.. and didn’t want to worry about any possible, pit stains, or well you get the idea….

While investigating how to make deodorant online I’ve discovered many variations on a basic formula:

1. Even if you are a stinkless angel, it’s my opinion that we all deserve a little protection on one of the parts of our bodies that is almost always folded over onto itself.  You’re bound to build up a little moisture there in the course of the day, so a bit of deodorant keeps it clean and dry.

2. Good homemade deodorant has three essential elements: an absorber, a moisturizer, and a disinfectant.  A fourth optional element is scent.  You can use:

* absorber: baking soda, cornstarch, arrowroot powder

* moisturizer: coconut oil, shea butter, cocoa butter, liquid Vitamin E

* disinfectant: coconut oil, tea tree oil, honey, grapefruit seed extract

* scent: pretty much any essential oil that you love

Did you notice that coconut oil is in two of those lists?  Yup.  That’s why it’s a main ingredient in my deodorant.  I use a fairly large ratio of coconut oil to baking soda because my skin is sensitive to the dryness caused by the baking soda, and too high a ratio gives me a rash.  Tinker with it until you find the ratio that’s right for you.  By the way, coconut oil will liquefy at around 85 degrees, so if your house is not a steady temperature you might consider keeping it in your fridge.  (Who doesn’t like to stand half-naked in front of the fridge first thing in the morning?)  Our house is usually kept at a steady 68 degrees so our deodorant solidifies just fine.

So armed with this info, I decided to try a small batch, the recipe I chose is from LittleHouseInTheSuburbs, Quick Stick Deodorant.

What I used: (mostly due to the fact I had these ingredients on hand)

-coconut oil, tea tree oil, baking soda, cornstarch

I didn’t have a used stick deodorant container, so I used a paper towel roll, cut to the size I needed, and plastic wrap to line it with.


This amount is good for one small stick. Travel size. Time to make, approx. 10 min or less.

Take 3-4 T of coconut oil, add 2 T baking soda, and 2 T of cornstarch, and from 10 to 20 drops of tea tree oil, (this is quite aromatic, so I just used 10 drops, but don’t worry, the smell only lasts for approx. 15 min)

Add all to a bowl. I found it was super easy if I then microwaved it for 10-15 sec. then just let sit and stir some, it will now totally liquefy.


Now you can take your container, I used a paper towel roll, I found the TP rolls were thinner. Cut it to around 2 inches or so, take plastic wrap and tear off a large piece, (we can cut this down later) push the plastic wrap into the roll and you are ready to pour your “deodorant” in.



 007Now just take the wrap and gather it up and twist it on top, I put my tube in the refrigerator to set up. When hard, you have a “push up” stick deodorant.

I have been using mine for a week now, and have really happy pits, and totally fresh feeling. I’ll let you know when it gets warmer, but for now this is a keeper. I will say if you don’t care for the tea tree oil smell (this is suppose to help with odor also, being mildly antibacterial) Leave that out and use another essential oil, I think cedar would be nice for men, here is a link to some essential oils.

I have made a second batch. same as the first, but I added some rosehips oil to it, (in addition to the tea tree oil), I have also read that you can add a tablespoon of baby powder to it.

I’ll included some links to recipes below. I’d love to know if you try this and what you think., I love crunchy betty, she has of great info. She has used this for a length of time, and reports how it held up. this blog also has other homemade toiletries, lotion, hand cream, and lip balm.

Take care, and back to knitting….knitting_coon


  1. Thanks for this! I'm going to give it a try. I have made Sonoma Garden's chapstick and hand lotion and love them both.

  2. Did you ever make that lotion/cream? I have all the ingredients and plan on making some this week. This deodorant is intriguing. I have to rotate too, but not so often as you. I can at least get through the same container before I have to switch.

  3. Very interesting. I have sensitive skin and often have to buy men's deodorant since it seems to have less additives. This sounds like something worth trying though.

  4. This is definitely our next homeschool project!

  5. Love the idea of homemade lotions... off to follow those links!


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