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Showing posts with the label addi turbo needles

How to get your Knitting Mojo back…..

MOJO (from the urban dictionary) N 1. Self-confidence, Self-assuredness. As in basis for belief in ones self in a situation. Esp. In context of contest or display of skill. 2. Good luck fetish / charm to bolster confidence. 3. ability to bounce back from a debilitating trauma and negative attitude She lost his mojo when she had to frog her socks five times. She got her mojo back now. Above is the PowerPuff girl villain Mojo Jojo I stepped back and took at look at why I was having knitting project problems. How many times do I just keep hitting my head against the wall without stopping to think and look at the problem. Ok, so I stopped and looked…… If I have knitting problems, I usually think it is one of three things (or a combo of them) 1. Yarn, wrong yarn for the project. Yarn I don’t like. So I looked at the yarn, no, it is yarn I’ve used before and  I like this type of yarn. 2. The pattern isn’t making me happy, flawed pattern or not the right pattern for the yarn. No...