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Fall Knitty on line mag out!!!

The Fall On line KNITTY mag is out!! If you have never checked this out, you must, it is really great. Knitting articles, tons of cool free original knitting patterns Coffeeshop, you can also submit patterns if you are especially creative. As for me I am sewing my shrug up (yes still) have to put the last arm on and then cast on for the ribbing, It's looking good!!! Keep happy knitting!!!

2nd sleeve and Brenda Dayne

I have finished my 2nd sleeve while listening to Brenda Dayne's podcast "Cast On". If you have never heard it, please check it out, it is filled with information of all kinds and is absolutely charming.. If we had a patron saint of knitting it would be Brenda Dayne. I am going to walk the puppies now and get ready to consult on "destructions" as my husband calls them, (hopefully no reflection on the amount of froggin I do). Happy Knitting

Patron Saints and finishing my sleeve

I have finished my 2nd sleeve, taking a small break before I continue to refer to the "destructions" (as my husband likes to call them, that might reflect on the amount of frogging I do??) While I was finishing the sleeve I was listening to "Cast On" a podcast by Brenda Dayne, If you have not heard her check her out!! it is a wonderful podcast, one can learn all kinds of things, she has a great way of presenting all of her topics and has music, and essays. If knitting had a patron saint I believe it would be Brenda Dayne. I did find a idea I like alot from another blog: Franklin in Chicago picked St. Clair. I like his logic:I want to say a prayer but don’t know who the patron saint of knitters is. I decide on St. Clare of Assisi – she’s the patroness of embroiderers and can always pass along the message – and the Virgin Mary, who is obviously fond of shawls. So u

Rag quilts and crazyness..

I haven't mentioned it, but a girlfriend and I are doing our first Christmas Craft Show! We have never tried anything like this before, she is a manic beader and I am trying my hand at rag quilts. We are going through various stages of panic, exhaustion, worry and excitement about it. I have spend into the 4 digits now just on materials, and so has she, I have gone from thinking about what I am going to do with the money I make (originally buy a spinning wheel) to just hoping I break even. It appears to be a dog eat dog craft show world out there. I think I will make about .75 cents an hour. I can see why all of our things are made in third world countries and why use to have alot of children to run their farm etc... Does anyone have any advise??? On the knitting side of things I am trying to balance my knitting with frantic quilting. I did knit on my 2nd shurg arm and am up to the decrease part, I am working 2nd shift so tonight, maybe I can knit some when I get home. (much quiter

It's FRiiiiiiday...

OK it's Friday, but for me it feels like a Monday, I promised myself I would get the shrug together by the end of the week. I work a swing shift plus weekends so I am on 2nds right now, I always think I will get sooooo much done!! HA So I have knitted a little, and knitted on a Cat's Paw lace scarf Free pattern, it is the first lace item I have had success with, as usual I start out too big and then it gets tossed to the side. The Cat's Paw scarf is something little I can carry around and knit at work in my "spare time" to try and get a little sanity into my day. Check it out!!!

Knit One sleeve then another

I am onto sleeve number two, I have heard of people knitting both sleeves at the same time. Is this one one needle? Or two, one row here and then one row there? I always think the 2nd sleeve goes faster, I've already made all of my mistakes on the first (hopefully). Here are some pics of the body pieces and the sleeves so far, hope to be able to put them all together by the end of the week and start knitting around with the ribbing. Until Later....

Knitting in Southern Illinois with Lime & Violet BAG

This is a picture of me knitting (with poison ivy) in a campground (I made my husband stop at one with a shower) notice the Lime N Violet knitting bag!!! I love these girls!! They inspire me and make me laugh, Oh and I like to think I don't normally look quite this bedraggled.